Paradise KiteSurf Red Sea

Paradise Kitesurf

KiteSurfing rental Egypt Hurghada

KiteSurfing rental If you come to the spot «Paradise Kitesurf Red Sea» and find that the wind conditions have changed, for which you do not have a suitable kite, we have kites of all sizes ready for you to rent. Every kiter can enjoy his dose of adrenaline, regardless of the strength of the wind.

KiteSurfing rental house has various types of kites and boards available

Tube kite
From smallest size to the bigger
Tube kite
12, 15, 18 (m2)
Flysurfer, Nobile, Core etc
From size 133 till 160cm

Our Services


We advise having a cup of aromatic coffee under the shade of the cafe at the kite station "Paradise Kitesurf Red Sea" for those who are accustomed to starting their day slowly. You can watch sitting at a table how other guests of our kite spot inflate kites and choose the optimal size of the kite before going out on the water. But if you eat a healthy diet, you can drink a fruit smoothie and get an energy boost for good kiteboarding.

Kite Safari

We respect the privacy of our guests and offer them individual accommodation. It can be an apartment or a room in a private villa, in any case, all the accommodation provided is within walking distance from the kite station "Paradise Kitesurf Red Sea" We also organize a meeting of our guests at the Hurghada airport, their transportation to the kite station and a return transfer to the airport.


We respect the privacy of our guests and we offer them individual accommodation. It can be an apartment or a room in a private villa, in any case, all the accommodation provided is within walking distance from the kite station "Paradise Kitesurf Red Sea" We also organize a meeting of our guests at the Hurghada airport, their transportation to the kite station and the return the airport.


Paradise Kitesurf Red Sea الغردقة - الإسماعيلية،, Hurghada, Red Sea Governorate 84511, Egypt

